CleeAI answers the users questions by crawling the web and looking for the latest information related to the question.
We don’t want to be a black box when it comes to answers and hence we provide all relevant sources cross referenced to the answer. You can even edit the sources and regenerate the answer using only the sources you prefer. We try to provide numerical benchmarks where relevant so that your answer is actionable and data driven.
We also organise all the searches by the CleeAI generated hashtags so that you never have to search for your questions again.
CleeAI supports the English language as we focus on accuracy and unique features. Once these are up to scratch, we’ll broaden out to supporting multiple languages once again.
Absolutely! While we aim to provide a comprehensive answer by including all available sources, we understand your preference to exclude certain ones. You can easily manage your sources by clicking on "Manage sources" located at the top right of the sources box. From there, you can delete any irrelevant sources and regenerate your answer. This way, you have full control over which sources are utilised in crafting your response.
The Discover button provides instant access to trending information without the hassle of typing out questions.
It's like having a personalised news feed tailored just for you using your past searches and professional preferences that you set up during onboarding. It dishes out trending topics and relevant info aligned perfectly with your interests and background. So, whether you're into the latest trends or need updates in your field, Discover has got you covered, making staying informed a breeze.
The hashtags on the sidebar serve to keep your questions organised. We assign hashtags to questions and use them to categorise all your queries. This makes it easy for you to locate related questions in one place, ensuring you can ask follow-up questions without any hassle or concern about staying organised within the chat.
Currently, the upload feature is not available, but rest assured, we're working diligently to implement it. Once it's ready, you'll be able to upload documents and query them. This means you'll have the ability to ask questions based on the data within the documents, enhancing your user experience significantly. If this feature interests you and you'd like to be notified as soon as it's available, please contact us so we can keep you updated on its progress.
CleeAI searches the web in real time to answer questions using current information available on the web. Think of this as an active Google search without the hassle of looking through multiple links to find the best information.
We're thrilled by your interest in our API! While we don't have one available just yet, rest assured that it's in the pipeline and coming soon. We're actively working on developing an API that will provide greater flexibility and integration possibilities for our users. Stay tuned for updates on its release.
CleeAI answers the users questions by crawling the web and looking for the latest information related to the question.
We don’t want to be a black box when it comes to answers and hence we provide all relevant sources cross referenced to the answer. You can even edit the sources and regenerate the answer using only the sources you prefer. We try to provide numerical benchmarks where relevant so that your answer is actionable and data driven.
We also organise all the searches by the CleeAI generated hashtags so that you never have to search for your questions again.
Your data is handled through protocols that meet ISO specifications. All data handled by CleeAI is encrypted and stored within a distributed architecture, built on AWS, so that if anything goes wrong it is confined to that particular area. We cannot access your data unless you decrypt it by logging into your account. Our team consists of cryptography experts and our head of engineering leads the development of Sky’s infrastructure - so you can trust that your data is in the best hands possible.
No. Your questions are confidential. We do not use any of the user data or documents to train our models. We do not send your data to any public LLMs in its clear form. Each user has a dedicated secure database, and no one else can access it. All of the data generated from your data is restricted to your account.